Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Advice needed

The crushing shall continue as planned. Mwahahahaha

So as we mentioned a few entries ago, Vince got into a good cycle of eating at around 10pm and not waking up until 5:30 or 6 in the morning. This lasted for several weeks and mama and papa were both relieved that the middle of the night silliness had ended. Well, seems like we spoke too soon.

He slowly started waking up every now and then at 3 in the morning. And then that slowly reverted back into the painful twice a night awakenings. Many times he is hungry, sometimes he is just crying. Anyone know how to fix this? I've heard of people taping pacifiers to their kid's mouths, but Mama wouldnt let me try that.

His charm and good looks, however, keep us from being mad at him for very long.

He just isn't playing fair.

The good news is that he seems to have adjusted pretty well to the daycare routine. The bottle feeding problem that we were so worried about, never really became an issue. The daycare ladies said he took the bottle just fine. Leave those type of things to the professionals I suppose. The only issue that we have with them is that Vince often comes home from daycare with his signature spiky hair combed down and to the side (GASP!!!).

Down and to the side. Maybe we should start putting some product in there

After a rough start, Mama seems to be adjusting to the daycare schedule also. Her boss had a lot planned for her on her return, so she doesnt have much time to worry about little Vincent on the days that she is in the office.

What we do on mama's day off

Dr Schafer says that Vince should start turning over on his own soon. We're very excited. We'll keep everyone posted.

hello ladies


I think we let G cry for 5 min. then soothed her without feeding her or picking her up. Let her cry for 10 mn, and repeated...she kicked the habit eventually. do remember the age we did this though...
This is Basia...Just to update my husband's suggestion....Gabby was close to a year old before I had the heart to do this, and I don't think I ever got past 5 minute intervals, but, it did work. But...she did not sleep through the night until she was close to a year old, so you may want to seek better advice from other parents who were more successful earlier on in the process! ;) Good luck!
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