Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Good news / Bad news

The bad news first; a troubling pattern has emerged over the last week. The return of the 3:30am feeding. RATS!!! Mama has been quite sleepy and cranky the past week. What a way to spend your 30th birthday (happy b-day baby). We've been reading and some of the literature (I always like using that phrase as a former auditor) says that sometimes this happens when the kid goes through a growth spurt, and the regular feeding cycle isnt enough yet to support the new calorie burn. Hopefully over the next few days, mama will start making more milk, and Vince will eat better.

The good news; Vince has gotten a lot better at using all these toys that were previously just occupying prime real estate on the living room floor. He seems to especially like his
Aquarium Bouncer. Those of you with kids are probably familiar with this one. Its cool, cuz it makes sounds and stuff whenever he kicks one of the hanging fish. It keeps him occupied for a little while and gives us a few minutes of precious reprieve from all the crushing.

Cousin Azure (seated), Vince (seated), Cousin Ali (wondering where his seat is)

Other good news; Vince's baptism is penciled in on my Outlook calendar for Sunday Sept 3. Ceremony at St Thomas More Catholic Church here in H-Town, followed by party at our house immediately afterwards. I have yet to hear back from MTV to see if we will be a part of their new reality series "My Super Sweet Baptism", a spin-off of one of their more popular shows. Also have yet to hear back from Kanye West to see if he will make an appearnce. If anyone is in town that Sunday and wants to get their respective grubs on or watch a baby get wet and cry at Church, just drop on by.

Even more good news; Vince has narrowed his career choices down to two this past week, on a visit to his papa's office, and to his
lola's unit at the hospital. Pictures below. (Maybe its just me, but I could feel my mom smiling a very big smile down on us while we were there)


This is where you go everyday?! B-O-R-I-N-G

why is everyone wearing those blue hats?

hmmmmm...more blue hats. Where can I get one of those?

nurse, scalpel

And finally, hey Potts congrats!! You made the blog. Good luck with everything to you and Amy.


Gah! you need to warn a person before you use those bad words...I had a stabbing pain in my left eye when I read "literature!" Such cute pictures though--he's so tiny in dad's chair.
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