Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Our friends Steve and Anita came by on Sunday to visit Baby Vincent and also to bring by my super cute baby announcements. I don't normally do such disgustingly cute things but since having a baby, I've been a little crazy. I think it's the hormones. I want everyone to see what an adorable baby I have. Since I am neither creative or artsy, I jumped at the chance when Anita offered to make my baby announcements for me. She just started her own scrap booking and announcement company Sitting around the dining room table and gossiping about people we know, Steve said that his brother finalized his divorce. Steve thought it strange that he had to find out from his mom about such an important milestone in his brother's life. To be fair though - how do you tell people about such a weird milestone? Hi bro - how's your life? By the way my divorce was finalized. So, we thought why didn't people make divorce announcements? Hi ladies, I'm single and available now. If you've been pining for me, here's your chance. Since I just finished the whole process of baby announcements, I thought it was a funny parallel. If any of you are looking for custom and creative baby announcements or divorce announcements, call my friend Anita.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Broke Back Baby

I thought I finally got this motherhood thing figured out. For a week we were eating and napping on a schedule. John and I were able to enjoy dinners together because we could predict when he would be hungry and when he would be napping. Vince saw I was getting it too easy so he decided to throw some salt in my game. He started looking like he was having a nightmare every time he nursed. He alternated attacking me and crying for an hour. He also started coughing and sneezing. Being the calm and collected mom that I've become, I immediately called the pediatrician's office. The nurse said Vince was too young for drugs but to come in if he had a fever. I asked the nurse, how do I know if he has a fever? Reply - if he has a rectal temperature > 100.5 F. What about if I take his temperature under the arm? Reply - no, it has to be rectal. I called John and told him he had to take Vince's temperature rectally when he got home. When John came home, he chickened out and kept saying Vince was probably ok. I had to know if he had a fever so I prepared the vaseline. I dreaded putting something in his tooshie. I kept picturing first this surprised look on his little face followed immediately by screaming and crying. I put him on his tummy and inserted the dreaded device. Surprisingly, he was relatively calm. No crying, no screaming, no fever. Now that I know it's no biggie to take his temperature, I may start taking it whenever I think something is wrong. Which is probably going to be every week. Poor Vince.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


One Month Old!!!!

You don't realize how fast time goes by, but it looks like the little dude survived his first month. (Be a successful parent - Check). Let's recap how the first month went, Dr. Jack style;

Crying -
This seems to be an area that everyone explored this month. The first few days after Vince came home, he simply refused to eat (which we later found out was partially because he had some bad juandice and partially because he wanted to crush us). It breaks your heart to see something so little suffering whenever you try to feed him. Needless to say, mama shed some tears. Around the same time, I began to realize that the hated Dallas Mavericks would soon be in the NBA finals. I also shed a few tears. But Vince had us all beat in the crying department.

This is what he looks and sounds like when he cries;

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Eating -
Vince finally figured out what breasts were for towards the end of the month, and started eating much better. Mama and papa were treated to some good 'ol fashion chinese cooking courtesy of grandma and grandpa (who braved some horrible gas prices driving to Houston from Dallas). Uncle Alex also grilled a damn fine lamb kabob, and drank all my beer.

Sleeping -
Honestly, no one did much sleeping (see crying above). But Vince seemed to take some twisted pleasure in waking us up at 4 in the morning. You can see it in his face, as demostrated here ------------>

Happiest Baby on the Block on DVD helped quite a bit (thanks for the tip Mike/Louise & Lou/Jennifer). But what came in really handy at the end of the month was the swing that we borrowed from Ronnie and Ben Ostrin. Thanks guys. Hopefully month 2 will be better.


Bathing -
Vince does not like bathing. Hates it. Just to make sure we know this, he sprays me with pee at each bathtime. Once he even left a nice streak of poop all over my leg extending oh so delicately from my right hip to the top of my left foot. How do you compete with someone like this?

This is what he looked like during his first bath. If you could only hear the ear piercing howling.

Gifts -
Vince got some stuff. Alot of it. Too many people to name, but thanks everyone for all the cool gifts. He even got a new Barong from Auntie Remy in Manila. Mama got a bunch of pretty flowers. Papa got jack $ht.


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Entertainment -
When he's not pooping or sleeping, Vince loves staring around, being held by all the friends and family that come to visit, sitting in his swing, wondering why his room is burnt orange, chilaxing in his fancy bugaboo, and generally being constantly catered to. Mama and Papa got to experience sleep deprivation. They also got to watch, among many other crappy movies, The Family Stone on DVD (quite possibly the worst movie ever made).

This is what the Family Stone DVD looks like

(Yawn) B-o-r-i-n-g


So all-in-all, month one had its ups and downs, but Vincent takes round one pretty handily. You can probably see already where this is headed. In summary, Vince is hell-bent on crushing us.

Stay tuned though, booster shots are right around the corner.


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Monday, June 12, 2006

Yellow man - May 24, 2006

Well, so its been a week since we took the little guy home. We weren't expecting sleep, and didnt get any. But we were surprised at how he didn't know how to eat. Don't babies just know how to do this? Apparently they don't. Needless to say, this caused much worry and some tears in the Jumalon household. Visits from the Goldberg's, Tia's, and trips to lactation consultants helped alot. (My requests for help on a Houston Rockets fan message board surprisingly did not help at all by the way). But despite all of our efforts he still just didnt seem to get it. What we did notice was that he was turning yellow. Very yellow.

This is what he looked like towards the end of that first week. Note the yellowish hue. Although at the time we thought he might just be drunk

So the doctor said that Vince's bilirubin levels were pretty high. It was time for us to face the truth. Yes, Jaundice had claimed yet another asian baby. The prescription, 2 fabulous nights at Texas Children's hospital laying out under the latest in UV tanning technology. Here is what that looked like

Surprisingly, Jen was calm and collected throughout this whole process. I was a wreck. She had to talk me down a few times.

Me: He's only a week old, and I already have to bring him to the hospital. I'm such a terrible father.
Jen: no honey, you're doing a great job

Major props to the nurses and staff at TCH. Top-notch. I only wish they accepted kids my age.


Meet Vincent - May 16,2006
Well, inspired by the blog of young Luke Svoboda, we've decided to figure out how this so-called "internet" works and start a "blog" of our own. Check back here from time to time if you want to see all the fun and hijinks that our little guy is up to. But for those of you who have just tuned in, here's what's happened so far....

Happy Birthday

So Jen was supposed to have labor induced on May 17th. Vince had the wrong date on his Outlook. So around 4pm on Tuesday the 16th, the water broke, I rushed home from work, and we were off to the hospital. I couldn't help but think that I had seen this on an episode of Saved by the Bell. We even got stuck at a railrod crossing, with what may have been the SLOWEST TRAIN EVER. Seriously, this happened.

Oh by the way, labor pains started almost immediately, and they came fast and furious. None of this 5 minutes apart bull crap. They were almost on top of each other. For the ladies reading this, I don't want to downplay the pain and stress involved during labor. This hurts. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying. Jen didn't actually say this to me, but I could see it in her eyes as our anesthesiologist was telling us that he would have to stick her in the back again;

you did this to me!!!

This is what Jennifer looked like trying not to strangle me

6 hrs, two epidurals (one failed, one successful, both painful), and many many breathing excercises later, Vincent Evan Jumalon was born. For those of you who have never seen a baby jump out of a woman before, I highly recommend it. You know in your head what's about to happen, but you don't actually realize how strange it is to see a baby pushing his way out of your wife. One minute you see the top of someone's head, the next a human slips out, and then after that all this other icky stuff falls out. (and then if you're Tom Cruise, you have a light snack).

Awesome, miraculous, breathtaking, joyful. All those cliche words that people use to describe a birth. They were right. Its all of those things. Although I would also add; painful, spiritual, and Hook 'Em.

This is what Vince looked like 23 seconds after he forced his way out of Jennifer. We were surprised at how non-wrinkly he was.


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